Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The New Testament Apocrypha

The New Testament Apocrypha was deemed to be heretical in nature as it happened at one point in time. They were believed to have religious ideas and points of view that contradicted what was in the agreed consensus. And for those who chose to stand by such nonconformist beliefs had been labeled as a heretic for several centuries.

The New Testament Apocrypha

The New Testament Apocrypha


Athanasius The Great

Remarkably, there was an understandable reason why the texts of the New Testament Apocrypha were believed to be heretical. There was a man known as Athanasius the Great, who served as the twentieth bishop of Alexandria in the fourth century A.D., who did not think of them as official doctrines.

Athanasius The Great

Athanasius The Great