Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The Apocrypha

And of course, the former leader of the Church of Jerusalem played a significant role in a section of the New Testament Apocrypha, the First Apocalypse of James. The Apocrypha was a collection of texts that were deemed to be written during the start of Christianity and often spoke about Jesus together with his apostles.

The Apocrypha

The Apocrypha


Don’t Regard Apocrypha

The truth was that specific parts of the New Testament of Apocrypha were promoted as true Christian scripture. However, there was only a limited range of texts accepted in Christianity from around the fifth century onwards. Thus, most of the major denominations of Christianity did not deem the Apocrypha as official texts.

Don’t Regard Apocrypha

Don’t Regard Apocrypha