Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

Yeshua As Masculine Name

But when “Yeshua” was discovered in the Greek language in the book of the New Testament, it became somewhat different from the other name used in that era. In the Greek names, they did not have a sound for “sh” in their linguistics. It made their “sh” into an “s” sound. An additional “s” to the end made it become “Yeshua.” If we followed the Greek grammar rules, the name would become more manly.

Yeshua As Masculine Name

Yeshua As Masculine Name


Thanks To The Changes

Because of the alteration of the Son of God’s name, we ended in the name of Yesus. When we would analyze the name some more, the letter “Y” in the name became “I” when we transliterated it into the Roman. It would become “Iesus.” The name appeared in the initials of “INRI” that was inscribed in the wood on Jesus’ cross when he was crucified. The meaning in the initials that was carved was Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum in Latin. It meant “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.”

Thanks To The Changes

Thanks To The Changes