Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

Modern Christians

It meant that Christ was called Yeshua in His period when he was still living. How did the modern Christian call him Jesus? And why did we mention the four Yeshua in the book of the Old Testament as Joshua but not the name Jesus? The reason was about translational and transliteration errors.

Modern Christians

Modern Christians


Joshua, Yeshua

We would start talking about what was inscribed in the Old Testament. Most of the text in the book of the Old Testament was in Hebrew and few Aramaic letters and was later translated into the English language. While the New Testament also, the four gospels were written in Greek letters. When the scholars discovered the Hebrew name Yeshua in the book of the Old Testament, they transliterated the name as Joshua.

Joshua, Yeshua

Joshua, Yeshua