Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The “Son Of”

In the era where Jesus was still living, Jewish people would follow their first name with “son of.” For example, for Jewish people, the name of the Messiah should become “Jesus son of Joseph,” or the word “son of” would change into the location. It was the reason why we heard the name of the Messiah became “Jesus of Nazareth.”

The “Son Of”

The “Son Of”


The Entire Family

The “son of” or “daughter of” which was used in the system of the Jewish people was extended even further when used with the family. One example was written in the Gospel of Mark, in the statement of the book Jesus was referred as “the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Jose, and of Judah, and Simon.” It included all the family of the Messiah. However, his father, Joseph, was not included in the phrase.

The Entire Family

The Entire Family