The Whole World Was Surprised When They Saw The DNA Test Results For These Identical Triplets

Published on 08/22/2019

Revealing The Results

The company they ended up going with was 23andMe. It was popular for the ancestral DNA testing they did, but they stood out from the rest because they offered health risks and other important information. When they revealed the first half of the results, most people did not learn anything new about them. Others were reminded of the fact that being identical triplets meant you had the same genetic makeup.

Revealing The Results

Revealing The Results

However, everyone was surprised when they found out that Erica managed to crack Nicole’s safe with the use of her own fingers. It is not something you should worry about if you are not a twin, but it is shocking to hear that their fingerprints were also similar.


Expect The Unexpected

The mystery only got even deeper when they went into the second part of the big reveal. It was time for them to show the audience members what their ethnic makeups were supposedly like. Considering the fact that they were triplets, their ancestors are exactly the same. The sisters did not only have the same parents but were also in utero at the same time.

Expect The Unexpected

Expect The Unexpected

In reality, the Dahm sisters did not feel interested in it because they thought it was simply too predictable. However, the fascinating part about this is that they turned out to be wrong. The results ended up straying from their expectations. The sisters, audience members, and hosts were all shocked by what they saw.