The Whole World Was Surprised When They Saw The DNA Test Results For These Identical Triplets

Published on 08/22/2019

Identical Triplets, Identical DNA

Test results normally only come in a couple of weeks after you send your saliva sample. This was exactly what the Dahm triplets went through. They did not expect to see anything out of the ordinary from the results. They were identical triplets, so they expected to receive the same results.

Identical Triplets, Identical DNA

Identical Triplets, Identical DNA

Was it accurate? Lisa Guerrero of Inside Edition already had doubts about the tests from the very beginning. She thought it was nothing more than a huge marketing strategy employed by companies. The journalist did not think that it could come up with accurate results. After several weeks, the triplets got an invite to return to the set for the big reveal.


Fascination With Genetics

Erica, Jaclyn, and Nicole Dahm have already gone through such a fascinating journey together. The triplets started out as a set of naturally-born triplets from Minnesota. In the beginning, they got a lot of attention in school and then at the University of Minnesota. They have all been Playboy models, Hollywood stars, mothers… This time, they were going to reveal the results of the DNA they took on live television.

Fascination With Genetics

Fascination With Genetics

In all honesty, we would not be surprised if they decide to have their biographies written together. They shared a mutual interest in biology and genetics as well. Do not forget that they used to be interested in becoming nurses when they were younger. Since that did not come into fruition, this may well be the most significant contribution they gave the health industry. Let us find out if they learned anything new from the 23andMe results.