The Most Accurate But Entertaining Historical Films

Published on 11/19/2019


The film Suffragette was successful for many reasons, but specifically because of its addition of both fictional characters as well as creative renditions of real individuals. It shows the obstacles that courageous activists went through when trying to win women the right to vote during the 1910s. The film tries to stay historically accurate and details about the lead Mulligan Maud are based on real accounts of seamstress and suffragette Hannah Mitchell. The filmmakers incorporated material from original testimonies that were opened in 2002-2003.




Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down has received considerable respect for its historically accurate account and rightfully so. Minus some minor exceptions, it manages to stay true to the events of the 1933 raid in Mogadishu, Somalia. An event where the U.S. Military tried to capture the armed militia faction leader Mohamed Farrah. The film does include certain material that was not yet invented, it is overall resembles the actual event almost to the core.

Black Hawk Down

Black Hawk Down