Fun During Holidays
Although things are hard for Natalie Suleman and her kids, they are one happy family. Natalie teaches good values to her all her children. During Christmas, each kid only receives one gift. She told US Weekly, “I’m focusing on raising the kids to focus on serving other people, to get out of their own head.” By doing this, Natalie thinks that she is imparting the lesson of giving value to every little thing that one receives. She also believes that it will teach her children not to expect gifts and how to work for what they want. Aside from the said reasons, Natalie’s finances simply cannot sustain an extravagant lifestyle. So, she keep things simple during the Christmas season. She feels extremely blessed for her kids and how extraordinary they all are.

Fun During the Holidays
We can only imagine the stress that Natalie goes through during the first week of school. Having one or two kids is stressful enough, but fourteen? Wow! The 43-year-old mother of fourteen has shared her anxiety on her social media account with a photo of her eight youngest children who posed for the picture before they started school. They were all smiles with their bags on their backs. Natalie captioned it with, “Any other parents exceptionally stressed and overwhelmed by the first week back to school?” She calls herself the “official bus driver” as she has to bring a lot of children to and from school. Doing this is a lot of work, and could occupy her the whole day. Natalie, however, joked that her older children didn’t like it and refused to pose for any first day photos even when she begged them. Good thing she still managed to capture this happy milestone of their everyday family life.

Going to School