Beating Stress
Natalie’s job can’t be easy. For her to deal with the pressure and the stress, she works out in the nearest gym, stealing an hour or two from her super busy schedule. She has even shared this with her fans on social media. She posted a picture of herself doing some exercise with the caption, “I would like to share about how I cope with inordinate stress, after being asked how I stay sane lol.” She even said that her way to beat stress was always exercising. She added, “The stress literally drips off of me, as I’m drenched in the end. Being physical has significantly helped me cope with so many challenges I’ve struggled with throughout my life.”

Beating Stress
Girls’ Night
Natalie Suleman may be a strict mom, but she is also an extremely fun one. One of her favorite pastimes is to have fun with her girls and have a spa night. She documents the fun they have in trying different skin products and face masks. She tries to give all her children the same amount of love and time. So, she has girls night with her daughters and scary movie bonding with her sons. She puts her children first, and she’s not afraid to share that with the world.

Girls’ Night