40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Horseshoe Lake

Horseshoe Lake is just one of the many lakes that you can find in the huge state of California. What’s terrifying about this lake is the incredibly high amount of carbon dioxide found in the area. You might be wondering where all this carbon dioxide is from. Well, it actually came from the long series of destructive earthquake that hit the area. The earthquake caused carbon dioxide to rise from the ground, resulting in numerous death of all the living things in the area. You will see a large field of dead trees on your way to the lake. That is if you choose to ignore our warning and still decide to swim there.

Horseshoe Lake

Horseshoe Lake


Rio Tinto

In Spain, there is one unique river called Rio Tinto. It has an unfortunate history that led its water to be inhabitable for any living thing. It has turned red with pollution because of the runoff from a nearby mine. The said pollution has filled the river with iron and other metals, making the river highly acidic. If you’re looking for a place to dissolve a body in, then this is the perfect place. But if you’re looking for a relaxing swim, then you might want to consider some other place which is far from this river. Better be safe than sorry as what they say…

Rio Tinto

Rio Tinto