40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Mono Lake, California

Mono Lake is a specific body of water located just outside of Lake Tahoe. It is home to some equally strange geological formations. Many have been interested in the lake, especially those who would just pass by the Lake Tahoe town area. However, because of tributaries in surrounding areas like Los Angeles, the lake has lost its vital resources. Due to the said phenomenon, the toxicity imbalance in the lake has worsened. So, these days, it has an extremely high level of carbonates and other elements which make it extremely toxic. So, if you are looking for a swim, this is not the place for you. Better head back to Lake Tahoe as the water there is not as inhospitable as this one.

Mono Lake

Mono Lake


Laguna Caliente

Laguna Caliente literally means “hot lagoon” in English. When we say “hot” we mean extremely high temperatures. This Costa Rican lake is located in the middle of a stratovolcano, which means that it will literally burn your flesh off if you decide to swim there. Should you go down that route, we encourage you to think twice as it could very well be your last swim on Earth. You might not even reach the area anyway as you would need a permit to get there. This is a very wise precaution as the place is obviously dangerous. What’s more? The place could erupt anytime due to volcanic activities. One such eruption lasted for approximately two years, which includes the release of dangerous gas in the atmosphere. Well, it is best to avoid this place if you want to go for a swim.

Laguna Caliente

Laguna Caliente