40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan

If the lake is given another name, it should be called the “Nuclear Lake.” As you can see, it is not the best place to swim in. Yes, you have guessed it right Lake Chagan is another example of lakes that are pretty toxic to humans, well any living organism, in fact. This lake was formed when a Russian nuclear bomb detonated underground. The result, as you can see, is this huge and highly poisonous lake. The crater spans a total of 353 million cubic feet of land, making a lake of around 1,300 feet wide and 300 feet deep. The crater is extremely toxic because of how it was formed. The radioactivity in the area is extremely poisonous that it can cause cellular mutations. We suggest that you look for another place to swim in.

Lake Chagan

Lake Chagan


Lake Nyos, Cameroon

This lake located in Cameroon, Africa was formed due to an asteroid collision in ancient times. However, the lake has been docile since its formation. However, it is uncannily located on the border of the Cameron Volcanic Line, a place where volcanic activity is prevalent. Because of its location, the lake tends to have some mild geological activity. One such eruption happened on August 21, 1986 and it was quite deadly. The said eruption released a huge amount of toxic Carbon Dioxide cloud from the lake’s water. The toxic air killed around 3,000 livestock and 1,700 people. The result of such an event was the deadliest limnic (CO2 gas explosion) disaster ever recorded on the planet.

Lake Nyos

Lake Nyos