40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Gulf of Thailand

Some animals in nature can induce even the strongest man to tears. One perfect example of such an animal is the box jellyfish. This small creature can measure up to a maximum of eight inches long. However, their sting is so powerful that those who come in contact with them can easily die from shock. The problem is when this happens, you are most likely in the water. If you are severely paralyzed in the water, chances are, you will drown. Sadly, the Gulf of Thailand is home to many of these small creatures. So, if your goal is to swim in such dangerous waters, we suggest that you use appropriate clothing to protect yourself. Either that or pray you don’t get the bad luck of encountering these little guys.

Gulf of Thailand

Gulf of Thailand


Blue Lake

The Blue Lake is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia. Many scientists and even regular individuals have been interested in this lake because of its extraordinary blue color. This credible color is caused by the high concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the water. Amazingly, despite all the interests it gets, no one has reportedly reached the bottom of this lake. Because of the mystery surrounding it, people have claimed that it is not safe to swim in. The bottom of this lake might hold swamp monsters, mysterious creatures, and other similar atrocities. Whatever the reason may be, people find it weird that no one has any knowledge on what is at the bottom of this lake. You might find it strange as well and maybe look for other places to swim in.

Blue Lake

Blue Lake