30+ Scientific Findings Found In Ice That Will Fascinate And Terrify You At The Same Time

Published on 04/28/2019

Lake Filled With Life

This 25-million-year-old lake was discovered in 2012 by Russian Scientists. They found this lake by drilling more than 2 miles deep into an ice patch; they weren’t quite expecting to find a lake down there! Lake Vostok is now the continent’s biggest subglacial lake. Even cooler than finding a thawed lake in the middle of ice glaciers: the tests they ran on the lake showed signs of some sort of alien life. The lake had been untouched for millions of years, and the bacteria the scientists found in the lake was something no one had ever seen before. On top of Lake Vostok, scientists found yet another lake buried deep in ice glaciers in 2016, which also contained bacteria that was never seen before. Interesting…

Lake Filled With Life

Lake Filled With Life


Grasshopper Infestation

Most people don’t love grasshoppers around them, simply for the fact that they can be pesky, but especially at this specific glacier, grasshoppers are the enemy. They ruined a whole glacier by infesting it with millions and millions of grasshoppers; so much so that it’s actually now called Grasshopper Glacier! These creatures were tested in 1914 and were found to be members of a species that was thought to be extinct for over 200 years already. Hopefully these icy grasshoppers don’t detract tourists too much.

Grasshopper Infestation

Grasshopper Infestation