Atlatl Darts
Atlatl darts were commonly seen as human weaponry in ancient times. These arts were some of the first kind of weapons made by modern-day humans, next to the bow and arrow, of course. The construction of these darts was simple: it was just a handle with a six-foot spear attached to it. Most of the time, these weapons were custom made with hand carvings drawn into them.

Atlatl Darts
10,000-Foot Mountain Range
Believe it or not, buried deep beneath thick layers of ice in Antarctica is an incredibly large mountain range called the Gamburtsev Mountains. Scientists have known about these mountains for over 50 years, but since it’s so deeply buried beneath a mile-thick patch of ice, there wasn’t much anyone could find out about it. Only recently have scientists began to have the ability to see the mountains, but they’ve learned so much already. It is a series of mountains with peaks up to 10,000 feet high sprawling across 750 miles. Wow!

10,000 Foot Mountain Range