30+ Scientific Findings Found In Ice That Will Fascinate And Terrify You At The Same Time

Published on 04/28/2019

A Fish-Lizard Graveyard

When a group of international researchers trekked down to the Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, they were not expecting to discover 46 complete fossil sets of a rare creature called the Ichthyosaur- otherwise known as a fish-lizard to the common guy. These remains are somewhere between 100-150 million years old, and scientists even found embryos and soft tissue along with the skeletons. Unlike most fish and most lizards you may have in mind, these animals are not small; some of the ones they found were more than 16 feet long!


Fish-Lizard Graveyard


Reindeer Corpses

Yes, you read that correctly. Scientists found a big group of about 1,200 reindeer corpses in Western Siberia. These reindeer were all found to be infected by Anthrax, and it was also later discovered that said reindeer passed on this disease to some 15,000 humans that lived in the same community as the reindeer. Yikes.

Reindeer Corpses

Reindeer Corpses