30+ Scientific Findings Found In Ice That Will Fascinate And Terrify You At The Same Time

Published on 04/28/2019

Ice Plane

While the rare crashed-plane is generally not to be found again, this one was. In 1952, an Anchorage-bound military plane crashed into a nearby glacier. This unfortunate crash killed 41 passengers and 11 crew members. Due to the unsafe conditions of the weather and glaciers, police and emergency rescue workers couldn’t get to them to save any part of the accident. It wasn’t for another 50 years of melting ice that the glacier became safe enough to extract any remnants from this day.

Ice Plane

Ice Plane


War Remnants

Certain battles during World War I were fought high up in the Alps, which makes it all the less surprising that artifacts were found up there. Freezing cold temperatures left a ton of soldiers frostbitten at best; most soldiers who fought here didn’t die from the battle, but rather from extreme cold.

World War I Remnants

War Remnants