Try Not To Be Put Off By These Hygiene Tips From The Past

Published on 09/11/2019

Getting Rid Of Grey Hair With Radium

Radium was used to combat grey hair, but just how effective was it? The truth is that it was 100% effective at keeping faded hair at bay. However, it caused the hair to fall out! It is a good thing that we can now rely on hair dyes instead. However, some people actually want to dye their hair grey nowadays.

Getting Rid Of Grey Hair With Radium

Getting Rid Of Grey Hair With Radium


Eating Humans Was Thought To Be Good For The Health

We hope you are not eating anything right now. During the 17th century, wealthy people believed that human fat, blood, and flesh could maintain their health. It is a good thing that no one believes that in this day and age. Right. Shall we just head onto the next slide now?

Eating Humans Was Thought To Be Good For The Health

Eating Humans Was Thought To Be Good For The Health