Beaver Parts As A Birth Control Measure
Reptile dung was popularly used in the past, but this one is even stranger than that. During the 16th century, they took the special parts of male beavers and used it as a birth control potion ingredient. Women drank the concoction, which they thought would prevent pregnancies. We doubt that it worked.

Beaver Parts As A Birth Control Measure
They Used Silphium So Much It Became Extinct
Are you ready to hear more birth control methods? Ancient Romans once used the silphium plant as a natural birth control method. They simply ate it. This contraceptive became so popular that it led to the extinction of the plant! The people used to value this plant so much that they added an image of it on the currency. Knowing this, we feel sad that we no longer have access to this wonder plant.

They Used Silphium So Much It Became Extinct