Ancient Tampons Were Not Comfortable
During ancient times, people had an “anything goes” mindset when it came to preventing leaks. Tampons reportedly originated in Egypt, where women used linen-wrapped honey and dirt. The women of Ancient Greece had a similar technique. Ancient Indian women, meanwhile, used a mixture of oil and rock salt that also functioned as a contraceptive. In Japan, they used paper tampons. However, they were not very absorbent and needed to be changed around 12 times each day.

Ancient Tampons Were Not Comfortable
Body Hair Removal Using X-Ray
Can you believe that they had been using X-rays for body hair removal during the early 20th century? While it was convenient, it caused cancer in the people who did this. They wanted to get rid of their hair permanently, but the process involved radiation exposure for nearly an entire day.

Body Hair Removal Using X-Ray