Apart from being a great vegetable base, these purple super veggies are amazing whether you grill or bake them! Eggplants are naturally rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, flavonoids, and nasunin. This means that this super food is amazing at improving your circulation, bringing down cholesterol levels, preventing blood clots, and reducing your risk for heart disease. Apart from these, eggplants can also do wonders for your brain, prevent cell membrane damage, and prevent cancer.

Many people still have a problem with eating broccoli, probably a vestige of their childhood when their parents forced them to eat these green vegetables! However, it might be time to abandon this resentment and move forward as these veggies are bursting with heart-healthy nutrients. Try using them for your salads, pastas, and stir-fries as research has shown how good they are for maintaining cholesterol and strengthening blood vessels. This green super food also contains sulforaphane which means it comes with anti-inflammatory properties that help regulate blood sugar.
