Raw carrots make for amazing crunchy snacks but taste and texture are definitely not the only things this orange superstar has going for it. We all know that it helps improve our vision but this vegetable also possesses high levels of the antioxidant carotenoid which reduces the risk for heart disease by eliminating free radicals. Carrots are also bursting with various vitamins and nutrients that all help ward off cancer, strengthen your bones and nervous system, and lower the amino acid linked to the development of heart disease.

Who doesn’t love chicken regardless of whether it is baked, grilled, or stir-fried? This goes well with just about every dish that you can think of! Chicken is actually lean meat which means it contains less saturated fat and cholesterol than red meat alternatives. It is also heart-healthy so there is no need to be surprised when you learn it is the protein source of many health fanatics.
