It’s true that the furry shell might intimidate you from trying out kiwis, though there are many things to discover once you unpeel it. Trust us, your effort will certainly be rewarded later on. Among other things, this super fruit snack come packed with vitamins C, B, and E. This exotic super food is also a great source of potassium, magnesium, copper, and polyphenols. Kiwis are on the list since they help promote heart health by protecting your cardiovascular system and reducing blood clots.

Did you know that lentils come with loads of minerals and vitamins such as folic acid, fiber, and magnesium? These legumes actually have more potassium than bananas! Apart from being a great source of protein and energy, lentils make for tasty additions to soups and other dishes. As a testament to its health benefits, experts have included it in the DASH diet. If you’re not sure what this means, the DASH diet has been formulated specifically to lower blood pressure and promote heart health.
