They Weren’t Faithful
Sadly, Elvis and Priscilla were not loyal to each other during their marriage. Elvis began dating Joyce Bova in the 1970’s, the woman later became pregnant, but had an abortion. Priscilla had also been unfaithful, recently admitting her affair with Mike Stone. Ironically enough, Mike Stone was a karate instructor Elvis had recommended to his wife.

They Weren’t Faithful
Declining Health
Toward the end of his career, the effects of touring around the world had really gotten to Elvis. He was constantly exhausted, often slurred his words when speaking, and would lean on the mic stand to stay upright. His bandmates were never sure if he would make it through a show. Elvis’ guitarist recalls watching him on stage during one of his concerts and just breaking down crying at the King’s evident declining health. After being coerced into going to the doctor, Elvis was told he had a damaged kidney and an enlarged colon.

Declining Health