You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Go Easy On Energy Drinks

Scientists are demanding that the FDA start to regulate the ingredients in their energy drinks, though no changes have been made yet. In a study done by Frontiers in Public Health kidney disease has been closely linked to energy drink consumption, especially in young kids. Too much caffeine can increase blood pressure and stress levels, which can lead to kidney disease. Another risk is the levels of amino acid taurine in energy drinks, which is extremely dangerous to people who already have kidney disorders.

Go Easy On Energy Drinks

Go Easy On Energy Drinks


Are You Getting Enough Water Each Day?

The kidney’s main job is to filter water out of the body, so keeping hydrated is a big must. According to the National Hydration Council, kidney stones most often result from chronic dehydration. This is because when you are lacking water, your urine has a much higher concentration of minerals, which can crystalize inside of your kidneys and create stones. There is no specific rule for how much water you should drink, but an estimate of nine cups for women and 13 for men is about average. It is all based on how thirsty you feel.

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Are You Getting Enough Water Each Day?