You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Watch Your Red Meat Intakes

Eating red meat on occasion is not unhealthy, but eating too much of it is harmful to your kidneys over time. It has been confirmed by the Journal of the American Society of Nephrology that red meat can be toxic for your kidneys if consumed too often. On the other hand, plant-based proteins actually repair kidney injury. Replacing one serving of red meat per week with a plant-based protein will actually lower your risk of kidney disease by 62 percent.

Watch Your Red Meat Intake

Watch Your Red Meat Intake


Get Those Legs Moving

If you have a desk job that doesn’t require much moving, you may want to be more aware of how often you’re standing up during the day. In a 2018 research study, it was discovered that just one extra hour of physical activity per day can significantly lower your risks of kidney failure. It isn’t certain why sitting down increases chances for kidney disease, but some researchers believe it has something to do with blood glucose and cholesterol levels. So, the more you stand up, the healthier your kidneys will be.

Get Those Legs Moving

Get Those Legs Moving