You May Not Realize These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys

Published on 11/17/2019

Keep Your Exercise Routine In-Tact

Exercising isn’t just for people who want to improve their physical health, but also their internal health. According to the National Kidney Foundation, regular exercise lowers blood pressure, improves sleep habits, and enhances muscle function. All of these things come together to reduce risks for kidney disease. It doesn’t need to be something like training for a marathon; 150 minutes of light exercise such as walking or biking per week is all you need.

Keep Your Exercise Routine In Tact

Keep Your Exercise Routine In Tact


Exercise In Moderation

While exercise is healthy, you need to be careful not to work yourself too hard. There is, surprisingly, a real risk of working yourself to death. When you workout too harshly, your body can’t handle it. When you injure several muscles at a time, enzymes that are harmful to your kidneys get released. 40 percent of the time, this results in kidney failure. This is called Rhabdomyolysis, and though it’s rare, it’s very dangerous. Most cases of Rhabdo occur during someone’s first exercise class, where they don’t know their body’s limits. You need to build up your muscles slowly, not go all out on day one.

Exercise In Moderation

Exercise In Moderation