Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The “Wicked Bible”

Here was another evidence that was worth mentioning in the Bible created in the English language in the era of 1631. Some of the records were written in the book and were inaccurate, leading to a problem. Robert Barker and Martin Lucas published the book. However, they were accountable for making the holy book into something disturbing. The book they created was later known as the “Sinner’s Bible” or other called “Wicked Bible.”

The “Wicked Bible”

The “Wicked Bible”


King James Version

Barker and Lucas did not mean to publish their new translation of the book. However, their real motives were to create a book like the edition of the King James Bible. They tried to replicate every single word in the King James Bible. Also, Barker was the actual producer of the first edition of King James Bible in the era 1611 even though the other recent versions of the Bible did not have the same outcome created by Barker and Lucas.

King James Version

King James Version