Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

Act Of Changing A Word

However, translation meant to change different words or a text from one linguistic to another. It might be more straightforward than the transliteration because of how uncomplicated it was when used for recording. However, this method had its downfall. When the scholar translated or transliterated what was written in the book, it resulted in a complicated problem and occasionally led them to errors.

Act Of Changing A Word

Act Of Changing A Word


“Place-makers’ Bible”

In the evidence we had found, we would think there were evident mistakes about the records in the Bibles throughout the centuries. In 1562, in the second edition of the Geneva Bible, there were writings like “Blessed be the place-makers.” However, it should be “Blessed be the peacemakers.” It resulted in making the version of the book into “Place-makers’ Bible.”

“Place Makers’ Bible”

“Place Makers’ Bible”