Scholars Attest That The Bible Got One Detail About Jesus, That Is Unfortunately Not True

Published on 06/15/2020

The Afterlife

One perfect example would be the First Apocalypse of James. The narrative of this document focused on the conversations that happened between James and Jesus. It would be further revealed that the texts made mention not only the afterlife but also introduced visions of the future.

The Afterlife

The Afterlife


Another Coptic Version

Interestingly enough, it was only recently that the First Apocalypse of James was surely uncovered. It was together with 52 other documents that a man known as Mohammad Ali al-Samman found in December 1945. The copy of the First Apocalypse of James was worded in Coptic. It was found in Nag Hammadi, a community in Egypt. And later on, another Coptic version of the script was later discovered.

Another Coptic Version

Another Coptic Version