Ramses II
Ramses II or Ramesses the Great was the 3rd pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty in Egypt. Born in 1303 BC, he reigned from 1279 to 1213 BC. He was the father of 48 to 50 sons and 40 to 53 daughters. He passed away at the age of 90. He is considered the greatest pharaoh of the New Kingdom.

Ramses II
What Ramses II Really Looked Like
When he died, they buried him in the Valley of the Kings. After some time, they moved his remains to a royal cache. Priests were considered about looting, so they then relocated the body to the tomb of Queen Ahmose Inhapy after rewrapping it. Only 72 hours after that, they moved it to the tomb of Pinedjem II. His coffin had hieroglyphics that confirmed this. They discovered his remains in 1881.

What Ramses II Really Looked Like