These Recreations Of Historical Figures Will Make You See Them In A New Light

Published on 09/12/2019

Nicolaus Copernicus

In the past, people thought that the Earth was the center of the universe. It was Nicolaus Copernicus who learned the truth! He was born in Poland in 1473 and created the sun-centered solar system model that we now know. He traveled all over Europe during his life. What did he look like when he was alive?

Nicolaus Copernicus

Nicolaus Copernicus


What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like

Old renditions of him do not do him justice. They often show him as a hollowed and gaunt man. With the help of modern technology, we finally get to see a more accurate depiction of him. Despite everything, however, we think he still looks rather miserable. Maybe this is common among geniuses!

What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like

What Nicolaus Copernicus Really Looked Like