The Greatest Presidents In US History Ranked

Published on 11/22/2018

Cleveland’s Marriage

President Cleveland holds quite a unique record for American presidents. He got married at the White House, making him the only president to do so. His wife was quite a lot younger than him – 28 years younger to be exact. Despite this, she was very mature and the public loved them as a couple.

Clevelands Marriage

Clevelands Marriage


Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant was a Union Army commanding general during the Civil War and he went on to become the 18th United States president, who was really popular when he was in office from 1869 to 1877. Grant fought in the Mexican-American War only a couple of years after he graduated from West Point, which is why he rose to prominence, and he became the youngest president, having been sworn in at 47 years old. Grant scored high because he had moral authority, excelled at international relations, had the ability to persuade the public effectively, and pursued justice for all Americans equally. People remember Grant as a man who was honest, as the first president to appoint African Americans and Jewish Americans to office, and as someone who strongly and openly opposed the KKK.

Ulysses S. Grant

Ulysses S. Grant