Taft’s Massive Weight Loss
Many comment that President Taft was the heaviest of all the presidents (no, not their combined weights). At one point his weight clocked in at 340 pounds! There was a steady stream of rumors claiming that he once got stuck in the bathtub! Regardless, after he left the presidency, he managed to lose a staggering 80 pounds!
![Tafts Massive Weight Loss](https://d317ygt3bvqn1w.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/17090017/Tafts-Massive-Weight-Loss.jpg)
Tafts Massive Weight Loss
Grover Cleveland
Grover Cleveland served as president for two terms, the first from 1885 until 1889, and the second between 1893 and 1897, since he lost the first re-election but wound up winning the second time around. Cleveland’s fiscal policy was praised by conservatives as well as his advocacy for political reform but during his second term, he had to handle the Panic of 1893, a really bad economic downturn, and a huge nationwide railroad strike called the Pullman Strike of 1894. Cleveland’s ancestors were among the first families who moved to the new world, having traveled from England and settled in Massachusetts in 1635, and his biographer wrote that Cleveland was a wonderful public speaker: “He possessed honesty, courage, firmness, independence, and common sense. But he possessed them to a degree other men do not”. Despite the fact that his second term was less successful, Cleveland is regarded as one of the country’s better presidents.
![Grover Cleveland](https://dlbztvn8kichw.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/02083634/Grover-Cleveland.jpg)
Grover Cleveland