Amusing And Amazing: These Kitchen Products Are Taking The World By Storm

Published on 01/04/2021

Smart Garden 3

A vendor once described the Smart Garden 3 as “an innovation in food technology.” The product from Click & Grow allows you to grow herbs without going through the “stress” of “watching, watering, and waiting.” It uses a NASA-inspired technology called “Smart Soil” to optimize growth. The plants will get the right amount of oxygen, nutrients, and water with the help of the built-in sensors. You can expect your herbs to grow quickly and thrive better with the help of this device. On top of that, the Grow Lamp is also great at speeding up the growing process. You can introduce one of these babies to your kitchen for only $126.33.

Smart Garden 3

Smart Garden 3


Rollie Eggmaster

For only $29.90, you can get a Rollie Eggmaster for your own home. The Easy Quick Egg Cooker lets you cook eggs unlike never before. This is an automatic and electric non-stick egg cooker that will help you cook omelets, frittatas, and more in two easy steps. You just have to put it on a flat surface and plug it in. When the light turns green, simply apply cooking spray and crack two eggs into its cooking chamber. You can take it easy because the device will do the cooking for you! Isn’t that convenient? At any rate, it is much easier than doing it manually. It also saves you the hassle of washing so many utensils.

Rollie Eggmaster

Rollie Eggmaster