Amusing And Amazing: These Kitchen Products Are Taking The World By Storm

Published on 01/04/2021

Marivac Food Tumbler

An enthusiastic reviewer said that the MariVac Food Tumbler offers “better margination” in a matter of minutes than two days of “pan-soaking.” This is an automatic tumbler that spins meat for a couple of minutes and marinades in minutes. The product by Easton Outdoors comes with a vacuum that opens food fibers and lets the sauce seep in better. It does not require hand pumping at all since you can leave it to spin as you work on the rest of the meal. This is easy to clean and dishwasher-safe. On top of that, we love the fact that it has a one-year warranty. You have to shell out $200 for this product.

Marivac Food Tumbler

Marivac Food Tumbler


Two-Slice High Speed Smart Toaster

Do you eat a lot of toast on a daily basis? If this is the case, you might want to consider spending $400 on the Two-Slice High Speed Smart Toaster by Revolution Cooking. It is ideal if you get tired of waiting for your toast. This is very different from the toaster that has been in use since the 1800s. This will cook the toast in a much shorter span of time. On top of that, it will also lock in flavor and let you choose the exact level of crispiness that you want. The touchscreen toaster does not only work on sliced bread since you can also use it on pastries, muffins, bagels, and waffles. You can get $100 off if you find it on sale!

Two Slice High Speed Smart Toaster

Two-Slice High Speed Smart Toaster