These People Are Doing Anything They Want Even If Their Actions Will Affect Other People Negatively

Published on 08/31/2020

A Brilliant Idea

The foreman saw no problem with people parking at their reserved slots as long as they would be able to use them for the time of the delivery of the materials that they would be using for the construction. The foreman is very considerate for this since others are not allowed to use the slots, yet he lets them. However, some people abuse the chance they have of parking there whenever they can.

A Brilliant Idea

A Brilliant Idea


Boxed In

The foreman usually does not mind it whenever people park at the construction worker’s reserved slot, but he cannot really inform the people to not park there ahead of time whenever a delivery is scheduled. What he usually does is simply ask the drivers to move to a different location and explains that a scheduled delivery will arrive. Most of the drivers would immediately comply and move elsewhere. Except for this one woman.

Boxed In

Boxed In