You must be extremely cautious the next time you see a purple fence, particularly if you’re in the South. I’m serious. Your life could be jeopardized if you get too near to a purple fence. This doesn’t have to be an entire fence, either, so don’t be alarmed. It could just be a purple blotch on the bark of a tree. So pay attention: the next time you see a purple stain, this is exactly what you should do.

Things That You Must Do Once You See A House With Purple Fence In The South
What’s The Meaning Behind It?
You’re not alone if you have no idea what the purple paint represents. In a video for Texas radio station KEAN-FM, Rudy Fernandez, also known as the “One-Armed Outdoorsman,” mentioned this fact. In fact, Fernandez discusses the Purple Paint Law and its meaning in the South extensively.

What’s The Meaning Behind It?