127 Hours
Aron Ralston tells the story of his struggle for survival while being blocked by a boulder in a canyon in Utah. He is known for his brave escape that included cutting off his arm. He wrote a novel about his experience, that was made into a film. The cinema feature is almost completely accurate, except one scene, says Ralston. As for the rest, he says it is as close as it can be to the documentary while keeping the drama.

127 Hours
Schindlers List
Oscar Schindler is a successful businessman who takes advantage of the situation during World War II. After witnessing the treatment of the Jews, his whole world is transformed. Steven Speilberg stays true to the story and does not sugar coat the massacres of the Holocaust in his film Schindler’s List. He manages to depict the brutality, fear, and helpless during this terrible time.

Schindler’s List