An Extreme Decision
In 2008, Nadya Suleman made a decision that turned her into a celebrity overnight. She wasn’t satisfied with just six children, so she went back to the doctor who did all of her IVF procedures in the past, Dr, Michael Kamrava. She wanted another IVF treatment. Nadya had six eggs left, those which were leftover from her previous treatment. With a pro-life attitude, she decided to use them all, so they wouldn’t go to waste. She asked Dr. Kamrava to implant all of them into her uterus at once! But that’s not the end of it.

An Extreme Decision
More Babies?
At first, Dr. Kamrava was hesitant to comply. After all, implanting six eggs could be extremely dangerous to the mother. But according to him, he did end up implanting all six leftover eggs. This is mostly due to Nadya’s insistence, even if it could mean multiple babies. However, the most intriguing part about this was that Dr. Kamrava did not just implant six eggs, but twelve! The said number is actually ten times more that the recommended number of eggs for IVF implantation. Such a huge risk was bound to have a significant result. Nadya, however, thought she was ready to face the consequences.

More Babies?