A Goal Delayed
Because of her work-related injury, Nadya had to suffer through physical pain and emotional distress. The money that she got as compensation helped her get through it, but there was a more important problem at the time. Throughout the incident and after it, Nadya was still struggling in fulfilling her lifelong goals. She and Marcos Gutierrez, her husband of three years, had been working hard at achieving Nadya’s dream of having children. They had tried again and again, but the result was always the same: no baby. They decided to consult a doctor next to know what was wrong.

A Goal Delayed
Harsh Truth
After consulting many doctors, they had collected a lot of tips and advice on how to get pregnant. As they were desperate to have a baby, they followed each instruction given. But even after all their efforts, they still didn’t conceive. Failing at every turn made Nadya lose hope in ever conceiving. It even made her depressed eventually. They then learned the harsh truth, they weren’t doing anything wrong exactly, it was just that Marcos Gutierrez was sterile. What else could they do? When they recognized that conceiving the natural way was impossible, they started looking for other options.

Harsh Truth