As a counselor, albeit part-time, to people who are struggling with substance abuse, Natalie thought that she may inspire more people through her own YouTube channel. She first posted a video of her eldest daughter Amerah who was reading a letter she wrote to her mother, Natalie, on Mother’s Day. It was a six minute video taken at an event for women in Long Beach, California. After Amerah gave her speech, all Natalie’s other children lined up to give her a gift. Natalie’s purpose for the channel is to share her testimony about what she has gone through. Her children help her manage it by posting about vegan food challenges, fun activities, grocery shopping, and other creative ideas they can think of.

On special occasions like Thanksgiving, Natalie Suleman still encourages her children to stay active and continue making a good difference in the world. The 10 kids here in the picture are the Suleman children who joined the Turkey Trot, a 5 kilometer family run. You can clearly see their team spirit simply by looking at their matching shirts. Natalie has so much to be thankful for and to celebrate on the said day. Her children: Josiah, Isaiah, Maliyah, and Noah won the race in their age groups! Their prize? Pumpkin pies! This special holiday is equally special for all of them, even though some of Natalie’s children are vegan. So, we think that they had pies rather than turkeys for Thanksgiving.
