Family Fun Night
Natalie always emphasizes the importance of their family traditions. This actually means that the weekly family night on Saturdays are taken seriously in the Solomon household. Natalie and her children created this tradition. They even gave it the name, “Family Fun Night.” So, every week, on Saturday night, they all spend time together. Their activities are varied, though. They sometimes watch horror films or documentaries. They sometimes discuss different educational subjects. Sometimes, they just play board games together. Their favorites are playing chess and watching The Shining. Her teenage children usually cringe at the tradition and prefer to hangout with friends, but the tradition stands. All the the other children, 10 of them to be more specific, love their Family Fun Night.

Family Fun Night
Dressing Up
While all of Natalie’s children are aware that they are different from other families, they always embrace their unique qualities and even enjoy school activities together. They are actually quite talented and Natalie is one proud momma! It’s amazing to see how fast they’ve grown. In this picture, they are posing for the camera after they played their roles in a school play in Orange County. They all look beautiful and handsome here.

Dressing Up