Fact: If you look at the contents of my grandmother’s refrigerator, you will see her dry crackers in it. Yes, she does this AND she swears that this preserves them…I am not completely convinced, though. If you don’t want the taste of your crackers to change, place them inside a bag then seal it tightly. You can store them in your pantry or somewhere dark in the kitchen.

Let the debate begin! Some argue that milk is the main ingredient in yogurt, so to the fridge it should go. On the other hand, others say there is a lot of bacteria (the good kind, relax) in the food product, so the refrigerator isn’t really the best place for it. Actually, it is safe to keep unopened yogurt out of the fridge. Just make sure that you store the yogurt in a place that is cool and not in direct sunlight. If you would like to eat it, you can place it in the refrigerator so that you can enjoy a cooler treat.
