40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Hoover Dam

First things first, it is illegal to swim in the Hoover Dam. So, if you ever decide to defy the law and swim there, be prepared to get yourself arrested. Secondly, this body of water is extremely dangerous which is why it is illegal to swim there. One of the dangers in the Hoover Dam is the extremely strong currents that exist under the water’s surface. The dam has what they call intakes along it that controls the downward motion of the water at the top of the dam. These intakes have, apparently, caused the deaths of many unsuspecting swimmers. It also has things called a bell-mouth spillway that allows water to be controlled especially for transport and distribution. You have to watch out for these as well.

Hoover Dam

Hoover Dam


Citarum River

Indonesia is also in some people’s bucket list as it has some of the most beautiful sceneries in the world. This is also one of the top suppliers of our coffee. Aside from that, Indonesia also has the most beautiful shorelines and beachfront properties. This beautiful archipelago is also home to a large amount of biodiversity. Life is pretty varied on each different island. Although this country has a lot to offer, tourism-wise, there is a certain area that you should never swim in. It is called the Citarum River. What is makes it dangerous is very similar to the others on this list: pollution. People have dumped their waste in this river that it is now filled with garbage, making it unbearable for any swimmer.

Citarum River

Citarum River