40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

Jacob’s Well

Well, this water formation doesn’t really belong to a person named Jacob, but it is a lake that you would definitely have to avoid. This lake is one of the cooler ones and is full of contention. The water is so clear that you can even see right to the bottom. What’s fascinating about this lake is that it has tunnels and caves with a system of their own underneath the water’s surface. It can provide you with a thrilling experience that most lake-goers don’t get to have in other lakes. It is no surprise, therefore, that many individuals have taken the challenge and explored its depths. However, many of them never made it out. The intricate system of tunnels underwater is much more complex and difficult than they expected and they didn’t realize this fact until it was too late. But is there really a way to stop the dangers underwater, especially in the next one?

Jacob's Well

Jacob’s Well


The Nile River

Although the Nile river is famous for establishing the ancient civilization in Egypt, it is one of those bodies of water that you shouldn’t swim in. You may wonder why. Well, it is mainly because of the presence of crocodiles in the river. Crocodiles may not be the most dangerous in the animal kingdom, but they are one of those that have the ability to kill you. The number of incidents of crocodile attacks in the north African Nile is around 100 per year! This is quite a large number compared to shark attacks which only amounts to approximately 16 per year. So, if you have an innate fear of the said creatures and would rather live with all your limbs still attached to your body, then we suggest that you avoid swimming in the Nile at all costs. The next place will make you consider how good your swimming skills are…

