40 Places You Should Never Swim, Insurance Won’t Help Here

Published on 04/14/2019

When summertime arrives, it is inevitable for us to look for ways to cool ourselves. Jumping in the water seems to be a pretty common and ideal way to do it. We fish our phones from our pockets and start searching for the nearest body of water for that much-needed summer getaway. However, we don’t know what’s in store for us in some of these beautiful lakes, seas or rivers. Some of them have snakes, deadly poison, sharks and other lethal elements that can cause our early demise. Here are some of the world’s most dangerous places to swim. So dive in, er… read on! Just remember that you’ve been warned.

40 Places You Should Never Swim Insurance Wont Help Here

40 Places You Should Never Swim Insurance Wont Help Here


The Boiling Lake

This lake is located in Dominica and it is one of the most dangerous places to dive in. Why? It’s obviously because of the scalding temperature of the water. The reason for this phenomenon is the presence of magma under the surface. The said magma makes the water reach the boiling point which literally causes the whole lake to boil. If you’ve experienced getting burned by hot water before, then you probably have a good idea what it would feel like if you jump into this lake. The pain would be excruciating as the hot water surrounds your body. It would be best to avoid partaking in what would probably be the hottest swim of your life. How about going somewhere cooler, but equally dangerous?

Boiling Lake

Boiling Lake