You’ll Be At Loss For Words Once You Find Out These Celebrities’ Net Worth

Published on 02/25/2021


It should be no great shock that one of the wealthiest movie stars on this list is Mariah Carey. After all, for years now, she’s been continuing to work on her huge amount of money and has managed to sell a remarkable 200 million records worldwide. After sitting on a fortune in the region of $520 million, the singer & songwriter will not ever worry about applying for a credit card or bank loan. This involves her investments such as automobiles and private equity, but it still leaves her with a bank account that is extremely healthy. Perhaps, Mariah, if you’re bored, you might think about making another Christmas hit! Year after year, we realize how well it does for you.




BONO: $700m

Maybe you’ve remembered hearing of Bono from a small band called U2. Over the course of his career, the singer and frontman earned a crazy amount of cash, enabling his savings statement to bump and be free of worries. No debts from banks. No debt on credit cards. No refinancing at home. The advantages of more than $700 million in net worth contribute greatly to his unrestricted lifestyle. We’re certain that his home insurance isn’t relatively inexpensive, but it’s hardly an issue once you’re worth millions. He also appears to be one of the kindest people in the music business, so it’s wonderful to see that not too much has been transformed by fame and wealth.

BONO: $700m

BONO: $700m