This Man Declared That He Came From 2030 And Surprisingly Passed The Lie Detector Test

Published on 04/22/2021

A Paradox

He claimed to be able to easily demonstrate since he’s from the future. However, something is preventing him from doing so. There’s a good chance that if he reveals something out of the future, it’ll cause a paradox. That explains why he hasn’t done it yet. That is why he has done everything in his power to blend in with the humans of 2017. The lie detector was accepting of what he was telling. It was all labeled as accurate.

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Then they inquired about his outlook for the future. Or, at the very least, what we can anticipate in the near future. He stated that, due to the paradox, he is not required to express too much but that he is permitted to discuss some things. This was when he began predicting events that would occur soon. This was the place where humanity’s ostensibly true future was just being placed out in front of it, and it was insane.

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